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Welcome to Willow's World, my Blog discovering poetry and expression of grief, and life after death...

Thank you for joining me.


I'd be dying to tell you everything, some days. I know you'll never understand it all. So, i bottle it up and hide it behind a smile.

God forbid you ask me what is wrong, i wouldn't know where to begin. You really don't want to get me started. So i bottle it up and hide it behind a smile.

I wish you could help me. I wish we had the answers. I wish we could find the answers, together. I wish i knew what was wrong. I wish i had a dictionary to describe it. I wish you wouldn't leave me, because I'm not perfect. So i bottle it up and hide it behind a smile.

I'm tired of being judged for something i didn't do, and explaining myself to non believers. So i bottle it up and hide it behind a smile.

I don't want to be abandoned for a crime i didn't commit...So i bottle it up and hide it behind a smile.

I can't handle this.. So i bottle it up, and hide it behind a smile. I'm lying to my own demise.



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"I want to spend the rest of my life painting visions for children, their walls, their story books, and inspire them to dream beyond what they see."


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