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Welcome to Willow's World, my Blog discovering poetry and expression of grief, and life after death...

Thank you for joining me.



I've had allot of people hurt me. None, like I've hurt myself. I tried committing suicide once. Living through it scared me so bad, I just believed I'd never again find a better method, than the one I just survived.

I trusted no one to hold a pain so deep, that I didn't want to live, I just wanted to die.

I knew if I couldn't force myself to die, I didn't want to live dying slowly.

I had to learn how to trust myself again, how to love myself again, before I could trust the love of a stranger- I desperately need to learn the stranger I'd become.

It was so dark in the middle of the tunnel, and many stragglers reaching to hold me back, lying to me that the light wasn't real, or that it wasn't mine.

It is real, it called out through my soul, that life, was just on the other side of this thicket, this marshy tunnel, this death and decay. And the more you push, the more it comes into focus...

There's clean air to fill your lungs with... Shake it off. The worst part is over. You've survived yourself.


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"I want to spend the rest of my life painting visions for children, their walls, their story books, and inspire them to dream beyond what they see."


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